Monday, August 31, 2009

Crazy Love

As of yesterday, I reached a new level of crazy. After more than six months of counseling with my husband without much significant change I spent the afternoon with a good gal pal who wanted to browse some local shops before heading home after lunch. I began enjoying a "lazy look" at several stores without purchasing anything. Then, I spied a small gift that I knew would be a perfect stocking stuffer for my husband. So I bought it and tucked it into my purse for safe-keeping. A few doors down we spent a moment sniffing some scented candles when one particular fragrance caught our olfactory attention. It was a manly scent that was subtle and oh, so sexy. Unfortunately, there was only one left on the shelf to buy. What did I do? I snagged it and carried it around the store until we were ready to leave. As I paid the $40 for it, (ouch,) I found myself thinking, "Why am I buying Christmas gifts for someone who can be so insensitive to me?" The answer came quick. "I love him and I love Christmas. It's as simple as that." As I type this I want to smack myself in the head and scream, "What are you thinking.?" I guess that makes it official. I am crazy. I'm spending money I can't afford to spend on gifts for a husband who wouldn't dream of shopping for me before the 50% Sale signs go up the day before Christmas. If you can top that one, I can't wait to hear from you!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Humble Homeless Honesty

Tonight a homeless man told me I was beautiful as I left the shelter where we serve hot meals on Monday nights, and I was flattered. "Are you married?" he asked, to which I could confidently reply, "Yes, I am," but the sincerity of his compliment struck me as so sweet, my heart was blessed. As I drove home, I thought of the time and energy we expend to sustain an image that we have mistakenly been deceived to believe is worthwhile; that somehow people in the world will admire us or envy us if we project an image of significance. I have been as guilty of anyone of doing that. For too many years I struggled to maintain an image of beauty, confidence, and success; but all I earned for my efforts were thyroid malfunctions, a serious bout of depression, and extreme fatigue. That qualifies me as crazy, I am sure. Praise God I have been cured. I have nothing to prove to the homeless people at the food pantry. I just listen and care and hold their hand when they hurt. And that is why I was more blessed by the sincere compliment of a homeless man than I have ever been by a charming entrepreneur. The humble homeless man had nothing to offer but honesty, and this crazy woman drove home feeling grateful for that. Humility and honesty are lost values in today's world, but I get to experience a bit of both every Monday night and it feels great.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Touch of the Lord

Today in church, our pastor felt the Lord was saying there was an annointing there for several types of healing: anxiety disorders, swollen joints, and heart issues. Crazy isn't it that the Lord would put those three together? Anyway, I went forward due to being on anti-anxiety medication for the last 8 years. As I was there I felt a soft tender hand touch my back, knowing someone was praying for me. Trusting the Lord for all and any healing of my anxiety, I felt His presence and His precious voice say softly that He was healing my broken heart. That soft tender hand was on my back right at the spot beneath where my human heart would be. With that soft voice of His speaking directly to a need I didn't even come forward for, gentle tears started flowing down my cheeks.....along with "a knowing" He was indeed doing some inner healing. When I turned to see who was praying, a friend of my teenage daughter was standing there....Oh Lord, You are so very Good! Please teach us to be obedient, to be humble, to be healed, and to be used however You choose to use us. Bless those who have blessed us by their obedience to You.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Presence of the Lord in This Crazy Life!

In a normal, natural even think we could know and feel the presence of the Lord in the midst of the "craziness" of life, is CRAZY! Insane??? But, the reality is very real, that as our world is rocked, altered, whirled around......HE is there, right next to us. What an awesome, incredible truth this is to grasp on to. Let me tell you....... if you are in the midst of a battle, if you have lost a loved one, if you are weary, if you feel all are not! One greater and stronger than you are, He is there to hold you, to strenghten you, comfort you, fill you with a peace that is beyond your understanding. How do I know? Well, this "Crazy Christian", is in the middle of one of those world rocking times, and God has never been more real, more near.....than He is right now to me.........He will be there for you, just the same.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Crazy is as Crazy Does

An endless list of current challenging "issues" played in my mind as I prepared for a doctor's appointment early this morning. I managed to get through it pretty well until the nurse left me sitting for twenty minutes before the doctor entered the room where I sat on a typical examination table attempting not to move so I wouldn't wrinkle the white paper too much.

Don't you think it's a terrible waste to sit on clean paper fully clothed while you wrinkle it, rip it, maybe even wipe your runny nose on it (not that I would ever do that,) and then leave the room only to have the nurse tear a six-foot section off to cover the table with fresh paper so the next patient can do the same thing? How much paper do they go through, I wonder?

Yes, of course I'm all for paper at the Gyno's office. I mean, come on. That's just gross to think we would give that up, but in a regular doctor's office when you're not doing much more than chatting about your health and maybe reviewing recent test results? I'm not so sure.

I realize this is perhaps an UNcrazy post to begin with, but at least it's something. We all have "those days" and today is one of those for me. Fortunately the day is still young and I have plenty of time to add a little crazy to my night, even if it only means popping a few extra Hershey Kisses into my mouth after dinner or polishing my nails an insane shade of purple to match my daughter's.

All things being equal, on a day like today, crazy is as crazy does.

Hope you enjoy a personal moment of "crazy" today, and think of me when you do!